Pain Medicine
Pain Medicine Conditions and Clients
- Headache
- Migraine
- Neck Pain
- Back Pain
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- Chronic Pain
- Knee Pain
- Shoulder Pain
- Wrist/Hand Pain
- Hip Pain
- Foot/Ankle Pain
Athletic injuries, work injuries, falls, motor vehicle accidents, medical conditions, hereditary conditions, degenerative conditions, surgeries, and other etiologies can cause pain significant enough to seek or require medical attention. In many situations, patients benefit from consultation, or evaluation and management for pain by a specialist rather than treatment by their primary treating physician. Common examples include:
- Persistent or Chronic Pain
- Severe/Incapacitating Pain
- Pain out or proportion to what would be expected based on the individual’s diagnosis
- History of poor pain control
- History of side effects or difficulties with pain medication
- Pain in conjunction with depression, anxiety, psychological or psychiatric disorder
- Pain in an individual with history of substance abuse
- Pain in association with neurological signs/symptoms (weakness, numbness/tingling, etc.)
- Pain requiring injection or interventional procedure for control
- Pain interfering with function, performance, or quality of life
- Pain interfering with sleep
- Pain limiting ability to exercise
- Pain requiring the use of controlled substances or for extended periods
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