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U.S. News & World Report: How to Emerge From Quarantine With a More Powerful Brain


IF YOU'RE LIKE MOST people in America, and many parts of the world, your usual, everyday way of life has been significantly altered because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Efforts to stem the contagion of the viral outbreak have abruptly changed the way we're living our lives in what we've always known as a modern – and convenient – world. "Disruption" is one word for it.

But besides the things and routines we’re losing during this unprecedented time in our history, the neurologist in me can't help but wonder what our brains might be gaining. Yes, you read that right. What effect might the forced alteration of our everyday routines have on our brains?

I want to acknowledge and respect that these are stressful and uncertain times for my fellow humans. I don't want at all to diminish the very real burdens carried by exhausted frontline workers, shuttered restaurant and retail businesses, and the lonely who've abruptly seen their social and sports gatherings banned. The grief you're feeling is real, and it matters. I feel it too.

Although the measures taken to stem the tidal wave of this viral disease are necessary, I firmly believe they're temporary. We will get through this together as a nation. In the meantime, what might we do to emerge with more powerful brains and, perhaps, a resiliency that can carry us through a lifetime?

I'm here to tell you that some habits you may be forced to create today can set you up for a lifetime of brain benefits.

Click HERE to read full article.
