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Is it Possible to Prevent a Migraine Headache?


Is it Possible to Prevent a Migraine Headache?

For those who suffer the debilitating effects of migraine headaches, many would give anything to make the pain go away. And as many sufferers know, it’s tough to stop that runaway migraine train once it gets moving. Most of the time, you’re left just holding on for dear life with the hope that the ride will end soon. But what if I told you there may be some important ways to help stop those horrible migraines before they start?

As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It’s true of many things in life, including migraine headaches. Not your everyday, run-of-the-mill type of headache, migraines are associated with severe pain that can last for hours, even days in severe cases. In addition to the pain they inflict, this type of headache is also associated with blurred vision, extreme sensitivity to light and sound and may also be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Migraines are miserable, plain and simple.

The good news is that you can stop a migraine BEFORE it has the chance to rob you of living your life to the fullest. From simple steps you can take yourself to new technology that applies electrical stimulation across the forehead, there is actually a host of things you can try to keep those migraines at bay. Also important to note are the signs and symptoms that a migraine might be coming. Learn more about them here.

Lifestyle Modifications

Among the first things you can try to prevent the onset of migraines are changes to your lifestyle. A significant amount of research has shown that these types of changes can make a big impact in keeping migraines away:

Get Enough ZZZs – A regular sleep schedule is important for people who suffer from migraines. Not getting enough sleep, and sometimes getting too much, can trigger a migraine.

Eat & Drink Regularly & Nutritiously – This is good advice for everyone, really. But especially for migraine sufferers, making sure to eat regularly means you won’t experience those big drops in blood sugar which can bring on migraines. Likewise, drink plenty of water to stave off dehydration which is also a migraine catalyst.

Be Active – Research indicates that regular, moderate aerobic exercise can reduce the severity, duration and in some cases the number of migraines people experience. Be careful to avoid overdoing it as this can be a migraine trigger, but don’t be afraid to move more. It’s proven to help.

Additional lifestyle modifications to consider trying include managing stress through yoga, meditation or listening to calm music and alternative medicine therapies such as acupuncture and massage. Of course, no matter which self-led treatments you think might work for you, it is always best to speak with your expert physician before embarking on one of them yourself.


For people who suffer from frequent migraines, your physician may prescribe a course of medications designed to help prevent or lessen the severity of these headaches. There is an extensive list of options available and the right one for you will depend on your specific circumstances. For some people, it’s the use of antiepileptic drugs and for others it may be Botox to help calm the muscles and nerves that cause migraines. Talk to your doctor about which may be right for you.

Electrical Stimulation

One promising new treatment now available to chronic migraine sufferers is through the use of electrical stimulation across the forehead by wearing a type of headband a few times each day. Applying the technology in this way impairs the nerves and makes the less likely to cause migraine headaches in the future. I recently had the opportunity to discuss this technology with KNBC-TV Ch. 4 News i n Los Angeles and it was one of my patients who discussed the effect it has had on her. You can watch the news piece here: (Hyperlink to news clip).

No matter what triggers a migraine, people who suffer from them shouldn’t have to do so in silence, or in misery. There is plenty we know about these debilitating headaches today that allows us to treat and in some cases, prevent them from occurring in the first place. Don’t suffer in silence. Visit the Contact Us page and please get in touch if you’re looking for an expert neurologist to help you with your chronic migraines or headaches.

