Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy, or MeRT℠,is a suite of tools that gives Dr. Williams a platform to assess, monitor and optimize athletes’ brain performance.
The process starts with a tool that measures the specific electrical patterns in their brain, called a quantitative electroencephalogram (q-EEG), and connects them with the electrical activity of their heart, measured with an electrocardiogram, or EKG. From this, Dr. Williams creates a customized profile of his patient’s or client’s brain activity and function, which enables him to identify areas that may be functioning less than optimally.
Analysis & Protocol
The patient’s or client’s personalized brain activity profile is used to develop a customized MeRT℠ treatment plan, designed to improve the efficiency and performance of your brain.
During MeRT℠ therapy sessions, an electromagnetic coil is used to induce mild electrical currents, similar to what an individual experiences during an MRI, to targeted areas of the brain. MeRT℠ treatments for athletes are typically focused on optimizing brain function and promoting recovery from injuries.
Assessment & Monitoring
After several MeRT℠ therapy sessions, a follow up QEEG and clinical re-evaluation is performed to monitor the changes in cognitive function and to update the patient’s or client’s personalized brain activity profile.
Enhanced Performance
The brain plays a critical role in athletic performance, and MeRT℠ therapy works to optimize and improve the efficiency of cognitive functions.
Monitoring & Diagnosing Brain injuries
By comparing pre-injury and post-injury MeRT℠ data, we can perform real-time assessments to determine the level of functional disruption in the brain.
Helping Heal Brain Injuries
MeRT℠ therapy can help the healing process, both by helping to understand the extent of the brain injury to develop appropriate comprehensive treatment and by enhancing the healing process through continued MeRT℠ therapy.
Improved Sleeping Patterns
Sleep is an essential part of the recovery process. MeRT℠ therapy can play a critical role in improving sleep rhythms to enhance the quality and efficiency of an athlete’s sleep (which has important downstream effects, such as removing toxins through the glymphatic system, regulating circadian functions and the optimizing release of growth hormone).
Other Reported Benefits
Individuals receiving MeRTSM report better concentration and focus, greater ability to cope with stress, improved mood, as well as improved mental clarity and memory.
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